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what is this tomfoolery?

Welcome to Quantum Foam Studio. After five or so years of creating piles of weird, little and not so little paintings, I finally summoned the courage to create a public space to display them. This is what I came up with, with professional help of course (h/t Sofie Briones and Art Storefronts).

Abstract art is the best way I’ve found to get the thoughts, ideas, worries, reoccurring dreams, stupid jokes, whatever happens to be rolling around my skull out of my head and onto something I can see and touch. Think of it as a kind of visual journaling.

So that’s what you’ll find here: a collection of peculiar works—some dark, some whimsical, and some, well, I’m still figuring what the hell they are. They are all meaningful to me in some way. I hope you’ll stay a while and maybe even find a piece or two that means something to you.

Thank you for visiting.

📣 Big news! (For me, anyway.) My work has been accepted in my first ever submission to a juried competition for exhibition at HMVC Gallery in New York. See "Current Mood," and my featured painting "There is a crack in everything..." here. The exhibition runs from February 1-28, 2025. Oh, and if you happen to be in Times Square later this month, stop taking selfies with The Naked Cowboy for a sec and look up at the Jumbotrons. One of them will be beaming a gigantified version of my painting, with all the other artists' work in the exhibit. Peace. 

📣 Big news, part II! That same painting chosen for the HMVC Gallery exhibition was just selected for publication in the 55th issue of Artistonish magazine, a glossy publication with a worldwide audience. Pretty exciting opportunity for exposure, and maybe a step forward on the springboard to the next stage. Stay tuned for details on publication, and where to get your copy! Peace (now more than ever).

📣 Big news, part III! My painting"Mysteries, Yes"was selected for publication in the upcoming Issue 007 of Novum Artis, a glossy magazine featuring exclusively the work of new and emerging arts. Not sure I'm emerging, and if so into what, but hey, I'm thrilled. Publication details will follow. Peace.

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